UVioO - This is a Malacca travel video showcasing our favorite things to do along with what we consider to be the top attractions in Melaka, Malaysia. We start off by showing you a clip of a time lapse sequence of the Malacca River where you'll notice a tour boat speeding along. Next we visit the bustling Jonker Street Walk (Jonker Street Night Market) to sample street food and do a little shopping. You'll notice how hectic and busy it gets along this street packed with tourists and locals alike along Jalan Hang Jebat. Afterwards we take you on a bicycle tour around the city where stop off at the church ruins. Our next activity is a night boat ride cruise along the Melacca River. One of our favorite activities was taking a rickshaw tour around the city. Feeling the heat we cool down with a delicious bowl of refreshing cendol. We take time to visit the many temples located around Chinatown. We satisfy our tastes buds by eating Peranakan cuisine which is also known as Baba Nyonya food including popiah, rojak and laksa. Next we explore the Chinatown area of Melaka enjoying many of the historic crumbling colonial mansions. After we go exploring and walking along the Melaka River enjoying the graffiti and murals we notice along the walls. We finish off with some time lapse sequences that includes shots of markets, the Dutch quarter and a few others spots. Overall, these are the activities we recommend others check out when they're touring around Malacca. Ini adalah video perjalanan Melaka mempamerkan perkara kegemaran kami untuk melakukan bersama-sama dengan apa yang kita anggap sebagai tarikan di Melaka, Malaysia. Kita mulakan dengan menunjukkan anda klip daripada urutan luput masa Sungai Melaka di mana anda akan melihat sebuah bot pelancongan mempercepatkan bersama-sama. Seterusnya kami melawat Jonker Street yang sibuk Walk (Pasar Malam Jonker Street) untuk mencuba makanan jalanan dan melakukan membeli-belah sedikit. Anda akan melihat bagaimana sibuk dan sibuk ia menjadi di sepanjang jalan ini penuh dengan pelancong dan penduduk tempatan di sepanjang Jalan Hang Jebat. Selepas itu kami membawa anda pada lawatan basikal di sekitar bandar di mana berhenti di runtuhan gereja. Aktiviti kami yang seterusnya ialah sebuah bot malam perjalanan pelayaran di sepanjang Sungai Melaka ini. Salah satu aktiviti kegemaran kami telah mengambil lawatan beca di sekitar bandar. Rasa haba kita menyejukkan dengan mangkuk yang lazat cendol menyegarkan. Kami mengambil masa untuk melawat banyak kuil-kuil yang terletak di sekitar Chinatown. Kami memenuhi citarasa tunas kita dengan memakan masakan Peranakan yang juga dikenali sebagai Baba Nyonya makanan termasuk popiah, rojak dan laksa. Seterusnya kita meneroka kawasan Chinatown Melaka menikmati banyak bersejarah runtuh mahligai penjajah. Selepas kita pergi meneroka dan berjalan di sepanjang Sungai Melaka menikmati grafiti dan mural kita lihat di sepanjang dinding. Kami menghabiskan dengan beberapa urutan luput masa yang termasuk tembakan pasaran, suku Belanda dan beberapa yang lain yang tempat. Secara keseluruhan, ini adalah aktiviti-aktiviti yang kami cadangkan memeriksa lain-lain apabila mereka melawat sekitar Melaka. Malacca City is the capital city of the Malaysian state of Malacca. The Seri Negeri, the State Administrative and Development Centre which houses the Chief Minister's Office, the State Secretary's Office and the Legislative Assembly Hall is located in Malacca City. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site together with George Town of Penang on 7 July 2008. Most tourist attractions are concentrated in its small city centre which encompasses Jonker Walk which houses Malacca's traditional Chinatown that exhibits Peranakan architecture. A Famosa Fort, St. Paul Hill are among the tourist attractions located in the Bandar Hilir, old city area. The older part of the city proper has, in addition to the old palace and the large buildings left by the Europeans, many private houses and shops from nearly a century or more ago, put up by Chinese traders. Many of these have beautiful details such as moulded porcelain tiles and painted plaster reliefs on the front. Unfortunately, they tend to be not well preserved and the city government decided to paint all the buildings http://nomadicsamuel.com/city-guides/malacca http://nomadicsamuel.com/country-guides/malaysia This is part of our Travel in Malaysia series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Malaysian culture, arts, food, religion and people. Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker). This video features the song
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